
Stargate Atlantis
Stargate SG-1

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Stargate Atlantis

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title: Never Have to Change
song: Red Oyster Cult
artist: Guster
fandom: Stargate Atlantis
character/pairing: Sergant Bates
spoilers: none, only includes episodes from the first season
length: 2.50 min
format: wmv
date: november 12, 2007
notes: My first vid! And thus begins the affinity for minor, minor characters.

Stargate SG-1

small (6.0mb)
large (11.5mb)
jumbo (23.4mb)

title: Someone Who's Cool
song: Someone Who's Cool
artist: The Odds
fandom: Stargate SG-1
character/pairing: Malcolm Barrett
spoilers: no biggies, only includes Barrett's episodes up to 9x07
length: 3.03 min
format: wmv
date: may 26, 2008
notes: Love this song, and I had the idea to use it as a Barrett vid for several months before I actually got around to it... is this the first ever Barret vid? *shocked*

small (18.2mb)
large (40.2mb)
title: Under the Bridge
song: Under the Bridge
artist: Red Hot Chili Peppers
fandom: Stargate SG-1
character/pairing: Paul Emerson
spoilers: 10x09
length: 4.10 min
format: wmv
date: october 15, 2008
notes: For the "Single Secondary Character" challenge at Kawoosh!. Had the whole thing planned out in my head but there were a few... snags in the realization process. Also there's some distortion part way through the first clip - which annoys me to NO END - but I could not for the life of me figure that out. Poor Paul :(.


small (16.9mb)
medium (36.8mb)
large (63.6mb)

title: Cedars of Lebanon
song: Cedars of Lebanon
artist: U2
fandom: 24/24: Redemption
character/pairing: Jack Bauer/Carl Benton
spoilers: All of 24: Redemption
length: 3.45 min
format: wmv
date: september 8, 2009
notes: This took me forever to finish! I played around with the effects more than usual, hope they work out.